Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mexico Paper, A Drug War Victim, Calls for a Voice

Mexico City --- “We want you to explain to us what you want from us,” the front-page editorial in El Diario in Ciudad Juárez asked the leaders of organized crime. “What are we supposed to publish or not publish, so we know what to abide by. You are at this time the de facto authorities in this city because the legal authorities have not been able to stop our colleagues from falling.” Luis Carlos Santiago, 21, a photography intern at the paper who was shot dead while leaving a shopping mall after lunch. A car drove up. A barrage of bullets. Mr. Santiago, shot in the head, died instantly while another intern, who was wounded, stumbled and dragged himself to safety in the mall and is recuperating. The message was send to drug gangs in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, the bloodiest city in drug battles. All along the border, news organizations have silenced themselves out of fear from drug cartel organizations.

Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/21/world/americas/21mexico.html?_r=3&scp=6&sq=human%20smuggling&st=cse

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